Linda Oberleitner, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor

Individual and Couple Counseling 

"When we change the way we see the world, the world we see changes."
Wayne Dyer 

Services I Offer

Therapy With Me

As one enters into a counseling relationship, one of the most important elements for successful therapy is that you feel comfortable with your therapist. This would be both in the trust of their knowledge of counseling theory as well as feeling emotionally supported in a safe place to speak freely without feeling judged.

My Approach

I have both a supportive and an informational  approach so that you will feel heard and understood as well as learn what has the potential for you to make progress in your life. When a client feels safe with a non-judgmental therapist, open communication can occur. I will assist you in gaining clarity of what you are thinking and feeling for insight as well as problem solving the challenges you face.

Couples Counseling

If you are having marital discord, I counsel couples as well. Each of you will be given the space to feel heard and understood to get to the root of the tension. A deeper knowledge of each other as well as learning about effective communication is necessary for the improvement of the relationship.


And as an added tool to assist this process of insight, I use the enneagram. I have found it to be one of the most efficient ways of learning about our personalities. The enneagram is focused on the motivation and energy that we use to maneuver through life. It describes our strengths and weaknesses that will reveal the root of our challenges that become patterns.

Holistic View

I have a holistic view of the human being based in the body, mind, and spirit and the necessary interaction of these parts of ourselves. Our thoughts and emotions have an effect on our physical health (sleeping and eating for example as well as illnesses). We will look at the connection between the whole system of you and locate any body deficits which can contribute to emotional stress and the reciprocity of these two. I counsel about mindfulness (which is not necessarily meditation!) which will improve your ability to be in the present moment of life which generates a sense of peace and calm.

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